How we test our Rosita fish oils
We test every single batch of our extra-virgin fish oils in a third-party, microbiological laboratory to ensure they are pure, potent and certified to meet strict European regulations. We take great care to ensure that each of our products meets all the stringent European requirements. Our test results have shown that all the vitamins and nutrients in our oils are not negatively affected by freezing, and remain completely intact, as fresh as they are in live wild fish livers.

Rosita Extra Virgin Fish Oils are tested for purity by leading European institutes, so you can be sure it meets all the strictest European requirements.
- Test Results - EVCLO Liquid
- Test Results - EVCLO Softgels
- Test Results - Ratfish Liver Oil
- Test Results - Ratfish Liver Oil Softgels
- Heavy Metal Analysis
- Organic Contaminants
- Oxidation By Products
- Microbiological Testing
- Microplastics
- Radioactivity
- Perfluorinated Compounds
- Solvent residues (water soluble)
- Biogenic Amines
- Fatty Acids of Interest
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g |
Production date: 06 May. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0507-080 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.06.2026/2027 | 0.253 pg/g | 0.969 pg/g | 54.3 ng/g |
Production date: 10 April. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0411-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.10.2026/2027 | 0.191 pg/g | 1.12 pg/g | 84.6 ng/g |
Production date: 07 November. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-1108-066 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.07.2025/2026 | 0.245 pg/g | 1.375 pg/g | 90.4 ng/g |
Production date: 28 September. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0929-170 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.28.2025/2026 | 0.200 pg/g | 0.986 pg/g | 47.8 ng/g |
Production date: 28 August. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0829-057 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): AUG.28.2025/2026 | 0.279 pg/g | 1.21 pg/g | 75.5 ng/g |
Production date: 30 May. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0531-012 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUL.30.2024/2026 | 0.229 pg/g | 1.29 pg/g | 90.0 ng/g |
Production date: 05 April. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0412-051 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.05.2024/2026 | 0.266 pg/g | 0.778 pg/g | 79.7 ng/g |
Production date: 18 February. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0224-064 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.18.2024/2026 | 0.215 pg/g | 0.503 pg/g | 70.5 ng/g |
Production date: 01 December. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-1207-066 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.01.2024/2026 | 0.205 pg/g | 0.721 pg/g | 87.9 ng/g |
Production date: 27 September. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0930-024 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.27.2023/2025 | 0.195 pg/g | 0.803 pg/g | 89.2 ng/g |
Production date: 29 August. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0830-026 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.29.2023/2025 | 0.135 pg/g | 0.26 pg/g | 74.5 ng/g |
Production date: 03 August. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0804-034 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.03.2023/2025 | 0.18 pg/g | 0.48 pg/g | 167.0 ng/g |
Production date: 03 May. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0504-083 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUL.03.2023/2025 | 0.22 pg/g | 0.854 pg/g | 63.3 ng/g |
Production date: 16 April. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0420-060 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.16.2023/2025 | 0.248 pg/g | 1.268 pg/g | 88.2 ng/g |
Production date: 28 February. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0301-049 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.28.2023/2025 | 0.190 pg/g | 0.608 pg/g | 90.6 ng/g |
Production date: 01 December. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1202-369 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.01.2023/2025 | 0.195 pg/g | 2.35 pg/g | 93.9 ng/g |
Production date: 08 November. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1109-068 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.08.2023/2025 | 0.182 pg/g | 2.11 pg/g | 97.5 ng/g |
Production date: 18 October. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1019-222 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): DEC.18.2022/2024 | 0.208 pg/g | 1.17 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: 22 July. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0729-020 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.22.2022/2024 | 0.184 pg/g | 0.85 pg/g | 50.2 ng/g |
Production date: April 17. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0423-075 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.28.2022/2024 | 0.14 pg/g | 0.76 pg/g | 50 ng/g |
Production date: March 15. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0319-104 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.15.2022/2024 | 0.12 pg/g | 0.70 pg/g | 52 ng/g |
Production date: February 08. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0211-069 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.08.2022/2024 | 0.86 pg/g | 1.28 pg/g | 58 ng/g |
Production date: January 11. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0114-087 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.28.2022/2024 | 0.12 pg/g | 1.58 pg/g | 125 ng/g |
Production date: November 30. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1201-116 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.30.2022/2024 | 0.31 ng/g | 2.83 pg/g | 154 ng.g |
Production date: September 28. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1002-025 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.28.2021/2023 | 0.219 pg/g | 1.53 pg/g | 93.2 ng/g |
Production date: August 03. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0811-055 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.03.2021/2023 | 0.435 pg/g | 0.837 pg/g | 74.2 ng/g |
Production date: July 02. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0710-270 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.02.2021/2023 | 0.342 pg/g | 0.844 pg/g | 90.8 ng/g |
Production date: April 30. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0506-044 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.30.2021/2023 | 0.326 pg/g | 0.721 pg/g | 74.8 ng/g |
Production date: February 12. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0218-010 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.12.2021/2023 | 0.343 pg/g | 0,874 pg/g | 157 ng/g |
Production date: December 06. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1210-090 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Feb.06.2021/2023 | 0.283 pg/g | 0.948 pg/g | 104 ng/g |
Production date: October 05. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1008-064 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Dec.09.2020/2022 | 0.327 pg/g | 0.588 pg/g | 48.1 ng/g |
Production date: August 08. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0809-028 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Oct.08.2020/2022 | 0.340 pg/g | 0.718 pg/g | 89.9 ng/g |
Production date: July 01. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0709-096 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Sep.01.2020/2022 | 0.425 pg/g | 1.026 pg/g | 100 ng/g |
Production date: April 07. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0409-011 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUNE.04.2020/2022 | 0.316 pg/g | 0,984 pg/g | 108 ng/g |
Production date: March 04. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0308-076 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.04.2020/2022 | 0.337 pg/g | 0.92 pg/g | 106 ng/g |
Production date: January 17. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0128-008 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.17.2020/2022 (MAR ==> March) | 0.33 pg/g | 0.85 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: October 30. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-1108-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): DES.30.2019/2021 (DES ==> December) | 0.35 pg/g | 1.11 pg/g | 121.0 ng/g |
Production date: July 21. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0802-031 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.21.2019/2021 | 0.34 pg/g | 1.02 pg/g | 90.1 ng/g |
Production date: May 01. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0518-056 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.01.2019/2021 | 0.66 pg/g | 1.29 pg/g | 69.8 ng/g |
Production date: April 07. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0419-083 and BDS - Report #13479-1 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.07.2019/2021 | 0.3 pg/g | 0.6 pg/g | 66.9 ng/g |
Production date: March 09. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0315-018 and BDS - Report #13357-1 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.09.2019/2021 | 0.3 pg/g | 0.6 pg/g | 135 ng/g |
Production date: February 24. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0308-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.24.2019/2021 | 0.339 pg/g | 1.13 pg/g | 141 ng/g |
Production date: January 19. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0125-075 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.19.2019/2021 | 0.338 pg/g | 0.944 pg/g | 89.0 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g |
Production date: 02 September. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0903-053 BBE: SEPTEMBER 2026/2027 | 0.267 pg/g | 0.438 pg/g | 79.6 ng/g |
Production date: 23 January. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0126-006 BBE: FEBRUARY 2027 | 0.293 pg/g | 2.33 pg/g | 99.4 ng/g |
Production date: 15 March. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0317-054 BBE: APRIL 2026 | 0.255 pg/g | 1.243 pg/g | 74.7 ng/g |
Production date: 20 December. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-1221-053 BBE: JANUARY 2026 | 0.24 pg/g | 0.801 pg/g | 92.8 ng/g |
Production date: 03 May. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0504-083 BBE: MAY 2025 | 0.22 pg/g | 0.854 pg/g | 63.3 ng/g |
Production date: 31 January. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0201-130 BBE: FEB 2025 | 0.207 pg/g | 1.49 pg/g | 85.1 ng/g |
Production date: 18 October. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1019-222 BBE: NOV 2024 - LOT: 071740 | 0.208 pg/g | 1.17 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: 23 July. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0729-021 BBE: AUG 2024 - LOT: 069981 | 0.220 pg/g | 0.84 pg/g | 57.0 ng/g |
Production date: May 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0520-017 BBE: MAY 2024 (Global market distribution from September 2021 | 0.21 pg/g | 0.72 p g/g | 57 ng/g |
Production date: February 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0225-086 BBE: FEB 2024 (Global market distribution from July 2021 | 0.15 pg/g | 1.70 p g/g | 59 ng/g |
Production date: September 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1006-128 BBE: SEPT 2023 | 0.19 pg/g | 1.16 pg/g | 64 ng/g |
Production date: February 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0218-010 BBE: FEB 2023 | 0.343 pg/g | 0,874 pg/g | 157 ng/g |
Production date: October 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1008-064 BBE: DEC 2022 | 0.327 pg/g | 0.59 pg/g | 48.1 ng/g |
Production date: June 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0308-076 BBE: JULY 2022 | 0.337 pg/g | 0.92 pg/g | 106 ng/g |
Production date: August 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0417-050 and BDS - Report #13453-1 BBE: AUG 2021 | 0.30 pg/g | 0.60 pg/g | 115.0 ng/g |
Production date: February 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0125-074 BBE: FEB 2021 | 0.342 pg/g | 0.98 pg/g | 90.8 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g/td> |
Production date: 22 May. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0523-082 BBE: Mar 2026/2028 - first batch 10xx-230522 | 0.219 pg/g | 0,523 pg/g | 194 ng/g |
Production date: 17 March. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0318-041 BBE: Mar 2025/2027 - first batch 1053-220317 | 0.236 pg/g | 0,727 pg/g | 189 ng/g |
Production date: 03.February. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0209-056 BBE: : Feb 2024/2026 - last batch 1052-210203 | 0.13 pg/g | 0,51 pg/g | 176 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g |
Production date: 12 March. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0313-049 BBE: April 2027 - BATCH/LOT 2401 RFLO | 0.290 pg/g | 0,652 pg/g | 172 ng/g |
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d. |
CADMIUM | n.d. |
LEAD | n.d. |
mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram
mg/kg means the milligrams ofsubstance per kilogram of weight
*Fin fish and shellfish (commonly known as seafood) contain a moderate amount of arsenic. Nonetheless, the form of arsenic found in seafood is organic and not harmful to health. In contrast, inorganic arsenic produced through industrial means is considered toxic. Eating fish does not pose any health risk related to arsenic, as there is no evidence to support such a claim.
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | < 0.005 |
CADMIUM | < 0.01 |
LEAD | < 0.02 |
mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram
mg/kg means the milligrams ofsubstance per kilogram of weight
*Fin fish and shellfish (commonly known as seafood) contain a moderate amount of arsenic. Nonetheless, the form of arsenic found in seafood is organic and not harmful to health. In contrast, inorganic arsenic produced through industrial means is considered toxic. Eating fish does not pose any health risk related to arsenic, as there is no evidence to support such a claim.
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC* | 1.8 |
mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram
mg/kg means the milligrams ofsubstance per kilogram of weight
*Fin fish and shellfish (commonly known as seafood) contain a moderate amount of arsenic. Nonetheless, the form of arsenic found in seafood is organic and not harmful to health. In contrast, inorganic arsenic produced through industrial means is considered toxic. Eating fish does not pose any health risk related to arsenic, as there is no evidence to support such a claim.
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | 0.01 |
LEAD | 0.02 |
ARSENIC | 0.39 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.4 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.8 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.4 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | BENZO(A)PYRENE (mg/kg) |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | <0.001 # |
Simple ID | Method | Parameter | Result | Unit |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | DR CALUX | PCDD/PCDF/AND PCBs | COMPLIANT (01) | ng BEO/kg product |
The DR CALUX analysis is done according to p-bds-051.
All DR CALUX analysis results comply with EU requirements as indicated in COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 278/2012 (amending Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 as regards the determination of the levels of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls; feedstuffs).
Extra virgin oil was also tested by the producer at Eurofins. Eurofins is an international group of laboratories headquartered in Luxembourg, providing testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food, environmental, agriscience and consumer products industries and to governments. Extra virgin oil was also tested as far back as 16.03.2020
12th Nov 2024 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 1 |
1.8 | 15 | 18.6 |
10th Mar 2023 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 1 |
4.3 | 14 | 22.6 |
8th Mar 2021 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 1 |
7.6 | 1.2 | 10.0 |
8th Mar 2021 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 2 |
2.0 | 6.0 | 10.0 |
16th Mar 2020 Wild & Raw EVCLO |
3.9 | 1.0 | 8.8 |
PV expressed as Meq/Kg
AV expressed as anisidine value units
#Peroxide value:NSF limit = < 10 Meq/Kg
CRN limit = 5 Meq/Kg
GOED limit = 5 Meq/Kg
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 5 Meq/Kg
NSF limit = < 20
CRN limit = 20
GOED limit = 20
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 10
NSF limit = < 26 Meq/Kg
CRN limit = 26 Meq/Kg
GOED limit = 26 Meq/Kg
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 20 Meq/Kg
NSF: National Sanitation Foundation International
CRN: Council for Responsible Nutrition
GOED: Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s
[Eurofins: 10th Mar 2023]
Simple ID | cfu/g |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
Escherichia coli (presumptive) | Absent / 1g |
Staphylococcus aureus | Absent / 1g |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Absent / 1g |
Salmonella sp. (ELISA) | Absent / 10g |
Enterobacteriaceae 37°C | <10 |
[Eurofins: 8th Apr 2021]
Simple ID | cfu/g |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
Aerobic Plate Count 30°C | <1000 |
Coliforms 37°C | <10 |
Escherichia coli (presumptive) | <10 |
Yeasts | <100 |
Moulds | <100 |
Salmonella sp. (ELISA) | Not detected / 25g |
[Eurofins: 10th Oct 2023]
Simple ID | µg/L |
Polyethylene | <10.0 |
Polypropylene | <20.0 |
Polystyrene | <2.0 |
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) | <4.0 |
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) | <30.0 |
Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) | <10.0 |
Polyamide 6 (PA6) | <2.0 |
Polyamide-6,6 (PA 66) | <60.0 |
Polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) | <4.0 |
Polycarbonate (PC) | <20.0 |
Sum of quantified polymers | nd |
[Eurofins: 8th Mar 2021]
Simple ID | µg/L |
Polyethylene | <3.0 |
Polypropylene | <1.0 |
Polystyrene | <1.0 |
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) | <1.0 |
Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) | <1.0 |
Polyamide 6 (PA6) | <1.0 |
Polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) | <1.0 |
Polycarbonate (PC) | <1.0 |
Sum of quantified polymers | <10.0 |
µg/L = Micrograms per litre
[Eurofins: 10th October 2023]
Simple ID | Bq/kg |
Activity in Cesium 134 | <3 |
Activity in Cesium 137 | <3 |
Activity in Iodine 131 | <3 |
[Eurofins: 8th March 2021]
Simple ID | Bq/kg |
Activity in Cesium 134 | <3 |
Activity in Cesium 137 | <3 |
Activity in Iodine 131 | <3 |
Reference date for activities | 05 Aug 2021 |
Bq/kg = Becquerel per kilogram
Simple ID | µg/kg |
PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) | <0.010 |
PFNA (Perfluorononanoic acid) | <0.0050 |
PFHxS (Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid) | <0.010 |
PFOS (Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) | <0.010 |
Sum of PFAS4 (EFSA) excl. LOQ | nd |
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Methanol | <10 |
Ethanol | <10 |
1-Propanol | <10 |
2-Propanol | <10 |
Aceton | <10 |
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Tyramine | <1 (LOQ) |
Putrescine | <1 (LOQ) |
Cadaverine | <1 (LOQ) |
Histamine | <1 (LOQ) |
Tryptamine | <5 (LOQ) |
2-Phenylethylamine | <1 (LOQ) |
Spermidine | <1 (LOQ) |
Simple ID | mg/100g |
20:5n-3 Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) | 8476 |
22:6n-3 (Docosahexaenoic Acid) (DHA) | 9180 |
22:5n-3 (Docosapentaenoic Acid) (DPA) | 902 |
18:4n-3 Stearidonic Acid | 2697 |
Total n-3 PUFA | 23006 |
Total n-6 PUFA | 2519 |
Note: Stearidonic Acid is the product of the delta-6 desaturation of alpha-linolenic acid and is likely a better precursor than alpha-linolenic acid for EPA biosynthesis. As such it has been shown via human studies to increase levels of EPA of blood lipids or blood cells better than alpha-linolenic acid. Stearidonic acid has been associated with anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic,antithrombotic and antiatherogenic effects. All effects beneficial for cardiovascular health.
The oil is also particularly high in 18:1n-9 (Oleic acid) a monounsaturated fatty acid high in Olive Oil. Levels are: 14053 mg/100g. It is also high an omega-11 polyunsaturated fatty acid 22:1n-11 (Cetoleic acid) at 4797 mg/100g. This fatty acid may have skin benefits and, from previous animal studies using fish oils rich in Cetoleic acid, may reduce inflammation, atherosclerosis and help prevent the development of metabolic syndrome
The concentration of fat-soluble nutrients depends on several biological factors, including the size of the fish and the amount of oil contained in the liver. There are also seasonal variations related to the spawning cycle of the fish, climatic conditions, plankton, and other conditions. Our oil is completely unrefined and untreated, so the concentration of the nutrients will always vary batch to batch, making each bottle completely unique.
Simple ID | mg/tsp: |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | 3.7-10 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | iu/tsp1 |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | 3900 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | > = 0.1 |
* > = Greater Than or Equal To Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above), and each testing institute analyses has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | iu/tsp1 |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | 395 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
# The vitamin D in Wild & Raw EVCLO is the same form of vitamin D that yourbody produces when exposed to sunlight and the only form found in significant quantities in unrefined fish liver oils.
Simple ID | Ratio |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | Typically less than 10:1 |
Cholesterol mg/Kg | Brassicasterol (Phytosterol) mg/Kg |
4044-5245 | 40.4 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Wild & Raw EVCLO contains a wide spectrum of fatty acids including omega 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 etc. The test data for select fatty acids of the total lipid content are shown below. Levels of other fatty acids not shown are available on request.
Simple ID | Wild & Raw EVCLO |
20:5n-3 (EPA) mg/tsp: | 510 |
22:6n-3 (DHA) mg/tsp: | 700 |
18:1n-9 (Oleic acid) mg/tsp: | 1200 |
20:1n-9 (Gadoleic acid)* mg/tsp: | 660 |
22:1n-11 (Cetoleic acid)* mg/tsp: | 375 |
Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 6 Calc. mg/tsp: | 160 |
Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 3 Calc. mg/tsp: | 1460 |
Unidentified fatty acids mg/tsp: | 240 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | Wild & Raw EVCLO |
DHA/EPA∆ ratio: | 1:1 – 1.3:1 |
Omega 6/Omega 3 Ratio: | 0.11 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
1 Vitamin testing is not performed on each batch and may vary from batch to batch, and from season to season. The vitamins are all naturally occurring; nothing is added or destroyed during production.
*Gadoleic acid [which was first noted in cod liver oil] and Cetoleic acid are present in higher amounts in codfish fromNorthern hemisphere and high latitude waters. These fatty acids are therefore found in higher quantities in genuine cod live oil originating from the Northern hemisphere. Cetoleic acid is also usually present in lower proportions than Gadoleic acid.
This ratio is a very good indicator of genuine Northern hemisphere cod liver oil.
Wild & Raw Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil:
Suggested Serving Size:
Servings per Bottle:
150 ml
1 teaspoon (5 ml) daily
Approximately 30
Calories 45 Calories from fat45
Weight | % Daily Value* | |
Total Fat | 4.5g | 7.0% |
Saturated Fat | 0.9g | 4.5% |
Trans Fat | 0g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 18mg | 6% |
* Percent Daily Values are based on a caloric intake of 2,000 calories.
Does Not Contain: Gluten, yeast, milk derivatives, synthetic nutrients, artificial colors or flavors.
Rosita Extra Virgin Fish Oils are tested for purity by leading European institutes, so you can be sure it meets all the strictest European requirements.
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g |
Production date: 06 May. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0507-080 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.06.2026/2027 | 0.253 pg/g | 0.969 pg/g | 54.3 ng/g |
Production date: 10 April. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0411-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.10.2026/2027 | 0.191 pg/g | 1.12 pg/g | 84.6 ng/g |
Production date: 07 November. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-1108-066 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.07.2025/2026 | 0.245 pg/g | 1.375 pg/g | 90.4 ng/g |
Production date: 28 September. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0929-170 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.28.2025/2026 | 0.200 pg/g | 0.986 pg/g | 47.8 ng/g |
Production date: 28 August. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0829-057 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): AUG.28.2025/2026 | 0.279 pg/g | 1.21 pg/g | 75.5 ng/g |
Production date: 30 May. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0531-012 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUL.30.2024/2026 | 0.229 pg/g | 1.29 pg/g | 90.0 ng/g |
Production date: 05 April. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0412-051 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.05.2024/2026 | 0.266 pg/g | 0.778 pg/g | 79.7 ng/g |
Production date: 18 February. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0224-064 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.18.2024/2026 | 0.215 pg/g | 0.503 pg/g | 70.5 ng/g |
Production date: 01 December. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-1207-066 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.01.2024/2026 | 0.205 pg/g | 0.721 pg/g | 87.9 ng/g |
Production date: 27 September. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0930-024 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.27.2023/2025 | 0.195 pg/g | 0.803 pg/g | 89.2 ng/g |
Production date: 29 August. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0830-026 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.29.2023/2025 | 0.135 pg/g | 0.26 pg/g | 74.5 ng/g |
Production date: 03 August. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0804-034 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.03.2023/2025 | 0.18 pg/g | 0.48 pg/g | 167.0 ng/g |
Production date: 03 May. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0504-083 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUL.03.2023/2025 | 0.22 pg/g | 0.854 pg/g | 63.3 ng/g |
Production date: 16 April. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0420-060 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.16.2023/2025 | 0.248 pg/g | 1.268 pg/g | 88.2 ng/g |
Production date: 28 February. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0301-049 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.28.2023/2025 | 0.190 pg/g | 0.608 pg/g | 90.6 ng/g |
Production date: 01 December. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1202-369 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.01.2023/2025 | 0.195 pg/g | 2.35 pg/g | 93.9 ng/g |
Production date: 08 November. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1109-068 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.08.2023/2025 | 0.182 pg/g | 2.11 pg/g | 97.5 ng/g |
Production date: 18 October. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1019-222 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): DEC.18.2022/2024 | 0.208 pg/g | 1.17 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: 22 July. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0729-020 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.22.2022/2024 | 0.184 pg/g | 0.85 pg/g | 50.2 ng/g |
Production date: April 17. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0423-075 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.28.2022/2024 | 0.14 pg/g | 0.76 pg/g | 50 ng/g |
Production date: March 15. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0319-104 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.15.2022/2024 | 0.12 pg/g | 0.70 pg/g | 52 ng/g |
Production date: February 08. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0211-069 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.08.2022/2024 | 0.86 pg/g | 1.28 pg/g | 58 ng/g |
Production date: January 11. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0114-087 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.28.2022/2024 | 0.12 pg/g | 1.58 pg/g | 125 ng/g |
Production date: November 30. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1201-116 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.30.2022/2024 | 0.31 ng/g | 2.83 pg/g | 154 ng.g |
Production date: September 28. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1002-025 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): NOV.28.2021/2023 | 0.219 pg/g | 1.53 pg/g | 93.2 ng/g |
Production date: August 03. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0811-055 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): OCT.03.2021/2023 | 0.435 pg/g | 0.837 pg/g | 74.2 ng/g |
Production date: July 02. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0710-270 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.02.2021/2023 | 0.342 pg/g | 0.844 pg/g | 90.8 ng/g |
Production date: April 30. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0506-044 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUN.30.2021/2023 | 0.326 pg/g | 0.721 pg/g | 74.8 ng/g |
Production date: February 12. 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0218-010 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.12.2021/2023 | 0.343 pg/g | 0,874 pg/g | 157 ng/g |
Production date: December 06. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1210-090 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Feb.06.2021/2023 | 0.283 pg/g | 0.948 pg/g | 104 ng/g |
Production date: October 05. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1008-064 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Dec.09.2020/2022 | 0.327 pg/g | 0.588 pg/g | 48.1 ng/g |
Production date: August 08. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0809-028 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Oct.08.2020/2022 | 0.340 pg/g | 0.718 pg/g | 89.9 ng/g |
Production date: July 01. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0709-096 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): Sep.01.2020/2022 | 0.425 pg/g | 1.026 pg/g | 100 ng/g |
Production date: April 07. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0409-011 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JUNE.04.2020/2022 | 0.316 pg/g | 0,984 pg/g | 108 ng/g |
Production date: March 04. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0308-076 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.04.2020/2022 | 0.337 pg/g | 0.92 pg/g | 106 ng/g |
Production date: January 17. 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0128-008 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.17.2020/2022 (MAR ==> March) | 0.33 pg/g | 0.85 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: October 30. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-1108-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): DES.30.2019/2021 (DES ==> December) | 0.35 pg/g | 1.11 pg/g | 121.0 ng/g |
Production date: July 21. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0802-031 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): SEP.21.2019/2021 | 0.34 pg/g | 1.02 pg/g | 90.1 ng/g |
Production date: May 01. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0518-056 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAY.01.2019/2021 | 0.66 pg/g | 1.29 pg/g | 69.8 ng/g |
Production date: April 07. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0419-083 and BDS - Report #13479-1 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): APR.07.2019/2021 | 0.3 pg/g | 0.6 pg/g | 66.9 ng/g |
Production date: March 09. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0315-018 and BDS - Report #13357-1 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): MAR.09.2019/2021 | 0.3 pg/g | 0.6 pg/g | 135 ng/g |
Production date: February 24. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0308-052 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): FEB.24.2019/2021 | 0.339 pg/g | 1.13 pg/g | 141 ng/g |
Production date: January 19. 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0125-075 Best Before (Fridge/Freezer): JAN.19.2019/2021 | 0.338 pg/g | 0.944 pg/g | 89.0 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g/td> |
Production date: 02 September. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0903-053 BBE: SEPTEMBER 2026/2027 | 0.267 pg/g | 0.438 pg/g | 79.6 ng/g |
Production date: 23 January. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0126-006 BBE: FEBRUARY 2027 | 0.293 pg/g | 2.33 pg/g | 99.4 ng/g |
Production date: 15 March. 2023 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2023-0317-054 BBE: APRIL 2026 | 0.255 pg/g | 1.243 pg/g | 74.7 ng/g |
Production date: 20 December. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-1221-053 BBE: JANUARY 2026 | 0.24 pg/g | 0.801 pg/g | 92.8 ng/g |
Production date: 03 May. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0504-083 BBE: MAY 2025 | 0.22 pg/g | 0.854 pg/g | 63.3 ng/g |
Production date: 31 January. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0201-130 BBE: FEB 2025 | 0.207 pg/g | 1.49 pg/g | 85.1 ng/g |
Production date: 18 October. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-1019-222 BBE: NOV 2024 - LOT: 071740 | 0.208 pg/g | 1.17 pg/g | 98.3 ng/g |
Production date: 23 July. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0729-021 BBE: AUG 2024 - LOT: 069981 | 0.220 pg/g | 0.84 pg/g | 57.0 ng/g |
Production date: May 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0520-017 BBE: MAY 2024 (Global market distribution from September 2021 | 0.21 pg/g | 0.72 p g/g | 57 ng/g |
Production date: February 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0225-086 BBE: FEB 2024 (Global market distribution from July 2021 | 0.15 pg/g | 1.70 p g/g | 59 ng/g |
Production date: September 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-1006-128 BBE: SEPT 2023 | 0.19 pg/g | 1.16 pg/g | 64 ng/g |
Production date: February 2020 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2020-0218-010 BBE: FEB 2023 | 0.343 pg/g | 0,874 pg/g | 157 ng/g |
Production date: October 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-1008-064 BBE: DEC 2022 | 0.327 pg/g | 0.59 pg/g | 48.1 ng/g |
Production date: June 2019 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2019-0308-076 BBE: JULY 2022 | 0.337 pg/g | 0.92 pg/g | 106 ng/g |
Production date: August 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0417-050 and BDS - Report #13453-1 BBE: AUG 2021 | 0.30 pg/g | 0.60 pg/g | 115.0 ng/g |
Production date: February 2018 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2018-0125-074 BBE: FEB 2021 | 0.342 pg/g | 0.98 pg/g | 90.8 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g/td> |
Production date: 17 March. 2022 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2022-0318-041 BBE: Mar 2025/2027 - first batch 1053-220317 | 0.236 pg/g | 0,727 pg/g | 189 ng/g |
Production date: 03.February. 2021 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2021-0209-056 BBE: : Feb 2024/2026 - last batch 1052-210203 | 0.13 pg/g | 0,51 pg/g | 176 ng/g |
- Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ): 0.20 ng/kg #
- Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBS (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ): 0.899 ng/kg #
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 1.75 ng/kg fat
#Maximum levels set by the European Commission for thesum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs (WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) for marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms intended for human consumption): 6.0 ng/kg fat
#Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organization (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organization Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006))
WHO PCDD/F-TEQ | WHO PCDD/F PCB-TEQ | PCB 28-52-101-138-153-180 | |
EU REGULATION | 1.75 pg/g | 6.00 pg/g | 200 ng/g |
Production date: 12 March. 2024 Testing by EUROFINS Report #440-2024-0313-049 BBE: April 2027 - BATCH/LOT 2401 RFLO | 0.290 pg/g | 0,652 pg/g | 172 ng/g |
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.8 |
mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram
mg/kg means the milligrams ofsubstance per kilogram of weight
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | 0.01 |
LEAD | 0.02 |
ARSENIC | 0.39 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.4 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.8 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | ppm |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
MERCURY | n.d |
CADMIUM | n.d |
LEAD | n.d |
ARSENIC | 1.4 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | BENZO(A)PYRENE (mg/kg) |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | <0.001 # |
Simple ID | Method | Parameter | Result | Unit |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | DR CALUX | PCDD/PCDF/AND PCBs | COMPLAINT (01) | ng BEO/kg product |
The DR CALUX analysis is done according to p-bds-051.
All DR CALUX analysis results comply with EUrequirements as indicated in COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 278/2012 (amending Regulation (EC)No 152/2009 as regards the determination of the levels of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls; feedstuffs).
Extra virgin oil was also tested by the producer at Eurofins. Eurofins is an international group of laboratories headquartered in Luxembourg, providing testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food, environmental, agriscience and consumer products industries and to governments. Extra virgin oil was also tested as far back as 16.03.2020
8th Mar 2021 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 1 |
7.6 | 1.2 | 10.0 |
8th Mar 2021 Wild & Raw EVCLO Sample 2 |
2.0 | 6.0 | 10.0 |
16th Mar 2020 Wild & Raw EVCLO |
3.9 | 1.0 | 8.8 |
PV expressed as Meq/Kg
AV expressed as anisidine value units
#Peroxide value:NSF limit = < 10 Meq/Kg
CRN limit = 5 Meq/Kg
GOED limit = 5 Meq/Kg
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 5 Meq/Kg
NSF limit = < 20
CRN limit = 20
GOED limit = 20
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 10
NSF limit = < 26 Meq/Kg
CRN limit = 26 Meq/Kg
GOED limit = 26 Meq/Kg
Stringent European Pharmacopoeia Commision max = 20 Meq/Kg
NSF: National Sanitation Foundation International
CRN: Council for Responsible Nutrition
GOED: Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s
[Eurofins: 8th Apr 2021]
Simple ID | cfu/g |
Wild & Raw EVCLO | |
Aerobic Plate Count 30°C | <1000 |
Coliforms 37°C | <10 |
Escherichia coli (presumptive) | <10 |
Yeasts | <100 |
Moulds | <100 |
Salmonella sp. (ELISA) | Not detected / 25g |
[Eurofins: 8th Mar 2021]
Simple ID | µg/L |
Polyethylene | <3.0 |
Polypropylene | <1.0 |
Polystyrene | <1.0 |
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) | <1.0 |
Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) | <1.0 |
Polyamide 6 (PA6) | <1.0 |
Polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) | <1.0 |
Polycarbonate (PC) | <1.0 |
Sum of quantified polymers | <10.0 |
µg/L = Micrograms per litre
[Eurofins: 8th March 2021]
Simple ID | Bq/kg |
Activity in Cesium 134 | <3 |
Activity in Cesium 137 | <3 |
Activity in Iodine 131 | <3 |
Reference date for activities | 05 Aug 2021 |
Bq/kg = Becquerel per kilogram
The concentration of fat-soluble nutrients depends on several biological factors, including the size of the fish and the amount of oil contained in the liver. There are also seasonal variations related to the spawning cycle of the fish, climatic conditions, plankton, and other conditions. Our oil is completely unrefined and untreated, so the concentration of the nutrients will always vary batch to batch, making each bottle completely unique.
Simple ID | mg/tsp: |
Wild & Row EVCLO | 3.7-10 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | iu/tsp1 |
Wild & Row EVCLO | 3900 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | mg/kg |
Wild & Row EVCLO | > = 0.1 |
* > = Greater Than or Equal To Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above), and each testing institute analyses has been performed in duplicate.
Simple ID | iu/tsp1 |
Wild & Row EVCLO | 395 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
# The vitamin D in Wild & Raw EVCLO is the same form of vitamin D that yourbody produces when exposed to sunlight and the only form found in significant quantities in unrefined fish liver oils.
Simple ID | Ratio |
Wild & Row EVCLO | Typically less than 10:1 |
Cholesterol mg/Kg | Brassicasterol (Phytosterol) mg/Kg |
4044-5245 | 40.4 |
* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.
Wild & Raw EVCLO contains a wide spectrum of fatty acids including omega 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 etc. The test data for select fatty acids of the total lipid content are shown below. Levels of other fatty acids not shown are available on request.
Simple ID | Wild & Row EVCLO |
20:5n-3 (EPA) mg/tsp: | 510 |
22:6n-3 (DHA) mg/tsp: | 700 |
18:1n-9 (Oleic acid) mg/tsp: | 1200 |
20:1n-9 (Gadoleic acid)* mg/tsp: | 660 |
22:1n-11 (Cetoleic acid)* mg/tsp: | 375 |
Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 6 Calc. mg/tsp: | 160 |
Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 3 Calc. mg/tsp: | 1460 |
Unidentified fatty acids mg/tsp: | 240 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
Simple ID | Wild & Row EVCLO |
DHA/EPA∆ ratio: | 1:1 – 1.3:1 |
Omega 6/Omega 3 Ratio: | 0.11 |
ppm - parts per million n.d - not detected (the concentration of the analyte is below the limit of quantification). *organic (non-toxic) form
1 Vitamin testing is not performed on each batch and may vary from batch to batch, and from season to season. The vitamins are all naturally occurring; nothing is added or destroyed during production.
*Gadoleic acid [which was first noted in cod liver oil] and Cetoleic acid are present in higher amounts in codfish fromNorthern hemisphere and high latitude waters. These fatty acids are therefore found in higher quantities in genuine cod live oil originating from the Northern hemisphere. Cetoleic acid is also usually present in lower proportions than Gadoleic acid.
This ratio is a very good indicator of genuine Northern hemisphere cod liver oil.
Wild & Raw Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil:
Suggested Serving Size:
Servings per Bottle:
150 ml
1 teaspoon (5 ml) daily
Approximately 30
Calories 45 Calories from fat45
Weight | % Daily Value* | |
Total Fat | 4.5g | 7.0% |
Saturated Fat | 0.9g | 4.5% |
Trans Fat | 0g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 18mg | 6% |
* Percent Daily Values are based on a caloric intake of 2,000 calories.
Does Not Contain: Gluten, yeast, milk derivatives, synthetic nutrients, artificial colors or flavors.
We’re committed to your health journey

Socially conscious
We work with trusted, local fishermen, whose traditional family fishing methods have been passed down from generation to generation. This empowers surrounding communities to thrive and helps maintain the local tradition.

Sustainability focussed
The principle behind wild-caught fishing is that we should fish in harmony with nature, rather than dominating it. We love our planet, and we’ll never resort to unsustainable, harmful overfishing practices in order to produce more oil. We reuse and repair, make full use of produce and wastage, and work hard to minimise our environmental impact wherever we can.

Perfectly pure
Our skilled fishermen use an extremely gentle process without machines or heat to extract the delicate oil from the fish livers by hand, and we independently test all of our products for purity and nutrient levels. This ensures you get the finest oil with a high nutritional value that’s identical to the contents of wild, living fish liver.

Totally transparent
We fiercely believe you have the right to know exactly where your product came from. From the sea to your spoon, every single action we take and message we communicate to you is done with complete transparency, and we’ll always provide you with a front-row seat to our test results production process and full ingredients list.